The internship activity offers a first chance of contact with the world of work in which to "mix" and put to use, in the sense of skills acquired from the training, the experiences of a productive reality (manufactured products or services) with those that are being acquired in the context of the teaching modules. For those Degree Programmes, such as Engineering, for which such activity in the company is optional, it is mainly recommended to students who do not wish to continue their studies after graduation.
On the website of the Faculty of Engineering you can find detailed information on the internship.

The Erasmus programme allows you to spend three to twelve months in a European university. It is possible to attend courses, take exams, carry out research activities in preparation for the thesis and possibly add an internship to these activities.
On the website of the Faculty of Engineering you can find detailed information about the Erasmus program.

The main purpose of the Erasmus Unisafe Project is to develop procedures and protocols for the management of student and staff safety in International Mobility.
The project is coordinated by the University of Pavia in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, Universitè de Poitiers, Universidad de Granada, Jajellonsky University Krakow, University of Bologna, University of Iasi and Coimbra Group.
For further information on the project: www.unisafeproject.eu