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Bachelor's degree in Bioengineering

The degree program offers a broad-spectrum engineering training, combined with basic notions of medicine and biology that allow the student to understand how engineering technologies and methodologies can be applied to the biomedical field, for example for instrument design, care support, telemedicine and hospital technology park management. The course is enriched by an intense laboratory activity ranging from medical informatics to the analysis of biomedical signals.

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Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

The degree program combines the two fundamental components that have always been the basis of Information Engineering: Electronics and Informatics. Information technologies are becoming increasingly widespread in contemporary society and are increasingly being used in a wide range of sectors (for example, services, industry, the tertiary sector, health and public administration) producing a constant improvement in the quality of life. The rapid evolution of the sector requires highly qualified personnel, with a good interdisciplinary preparation and specific professional skills, which can significantly contribute to scientific and technological development.

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Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering

The degree program offers a broad-spectrum engineering training, with the knowledge of the scientific bases and operational techniques of Industrial Engineering, and is divided into two specializations: Energy and Mechanics. They cover a wide variety of sectors such as energy production, manufacturing (cars, avionics, precision mechanics, military/defense), transportation, factory automation, automotive, energy saving and industrial planning.

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