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Engineering studies at the University of Pavia are characterized by the effectiveness of the courses, the high scientific qualification of the teachers and the relevance of the relationship with the economic-productive world, which contribute to maintain, in teaching and research approaches, a constant link with the working reality.

Here are the main subjects of the three-year (Bachelor) degree programs of the Department:

  • Bioengineering ( fundamentals of informatics, electronics and automation; modelling of biological systems; processing of biomedical data, images and signals; medical informatics; biomedical instrumentation.
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering ( components and circuits for electronics, microwaves and photonics; telecommunications networks and systems; microprocessor architecture; object programming; software engineering; control theory; computer networks and the Internet; operating systems.
  • Industrial Engineering ( electrotechnics; mechanic applied to machines; technical physics; foundations of computer science and automation; electrical energy; electrical installations and machines; traditional power plants and renewable sources; power electronics; metallurgy; mechanical technology; integrated production systems; electrical system and market; business management; quality management.

The Department’s Master’s degree programs focus on the following topics:

  • Bioengineering ( life sciences (biology, physiology, genetics); technologies and methodologies supporting biomedical disciplines (instrumentation, data mining, telemedicine, biomachines, numerical simulations); other engineering and/or scientific content specific to the different specializations.
  • Computer Engineering (, in English): processor architecture; processing facilities; multimedia databases; multimedia systems and technologies; Web technologies; computer vision; security; machine learning techniques; data modeling and analysis; big data, with applications in geospatial, biomedical and financial fields; embedded and real-time systems; Mobile IoT programming; design and simulation of application-specific computing systems (hw/sw codesign); parallel programming; automation; advanced control systems; control of robotic processes and systems; industrial control.
  • Electrical Engineering (, in English): industrial electrotechnics; industrial electrical measurements; electrical installations; electrical machines; generation, management and distribution of energy; power electronics; electromechanical construction; electric drives.
  • Electronic Engineering (, in English): integrated electronic devices; analog integrated circuits; digital integrated circuit design; radio frequency microelectronics; electronic instrumentation and technologies; electronic communications circuits and systems; microsensors, integrated microsystems and MEMS; optoelectronic devices; optical communications; nonlinear optics; electrooptical instrumentation; industrial laser design; quantum electronics; biophotonics; analysis of satellite, optical and radar data; analysis of geospatial data; satellite missions; antennas, wave and microwave propagation; satellite and space communication systems; statistical processing of analogue and digital signals; wearable and implantable sensor networks for the analysis of biomedical signals.
  • Industrial Automation Engineering (, in English): automation; design of automation machines; electrical machines and drives; robotics; telecommunications; electronics; economics applied to business organization, business management and logistics; Lean production.

The Department also participates in inter-departmental and inter-university Bachelor and Master's programs, mainly focused on the following topics:

  • Inter-departmental Bacheor in Communication, Innovation, Multimedia (CIM,, together with the departments of Political and Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Business Sciences and Humanities: digital media; Internet and Web technologies; digital and multimedia communication; languages; verbal communication and media language; sociology and social research; law; political communication; economics; ethics and communication ethics; writing models and techniques; marketing and techniques of advertising communication.
  • Inter-university Bachelor program in Artificial Intelligence (, in English), together with the departments of Mathematics and Physics of Pavia and the University of Milan and Milan Bicocca: computational logic; experimental, theoretical and quantum physics; computer programming; algorithms and data structures; knowledge representation; computation; linear algebra; cognitive psychology; ethics; law; machine and deep learning; statistics and probability calculation; natural language processing; knowledge extraction; artificial intelligence for communication and marketing; signal processing; industrial and robotic automation; medical applications; human-machine interaction.
  • Inter-departmental Master's program in Digital Communication (CoD,, together with the departments of Political and Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Business Sciences and Humanities: public relations; digital public opinion; languages; languages for digital public communication; digital marketing; business storytelling; digital journalism; digital technologies for Communication; Persuasive Design; technologies for Web Marketing and Social Network Optimization; big data; law; communication in public administration.
  • Inter-university Master’s program in Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology (, in English), together with the departments of Mathematics and Physics of Pavia and the University of Milan and Milan Bicocca: advanced information technologies; theory and applications of artificial intelligence; advanced mathematics and statistics; advanced physics; artificial intelligence for business organization and public administration; legal and social aspects of artificial intelligence; data privacy and security.


Finally, the Department also makes a relevant contribution to the following degree courses/programs:

  • Bachelor program in Sports Science (, focused on topics such as: anatomy; physiology and physiopathology; physical education; chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacology of sport; pedagogy; psychology; bioengineering and instrumentation of sport; theories and methods of training; legal disciplines and sports law; sports medicine; sports nutrition.
  • Integrative and inter-disciplinary program of excellence MEET (Medicine Enhanced by Engineering Technologies,, which offers to students enrolled in the Master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery the opportunity to expand their knowledge with additional courses in technology and engineering, such as: telemedicine; robotic surgery; artificial intelligence; big data; deep learning; prosthetic surgery; 3D printing and wearable sensors. The course is realized thanks to the cooperation between the University of Pavia, the University of Pisa, the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS of Pavia and the Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa.


For more information please see also the page of the degree programs.